Confusion on the copies attribute

Michael Sweet mike at
Tue Aug 24 11:20:30 PDT 2004

Helge Blischke wrote:
> After testing the various combinations fo copies specification with
> out IPP capable production printers and comparing the observed
> behaviour with that when using their traditional legacy interfaces
> for submitting print jobs, the following results showed up:
> An explicit copies specification in either job submitting interface 
> (IPP or legacy) in any case takes precedence over any copies 
> specification defined by the print stream itself (wether it is PS or
> PDF or PCL)

This is only the case if pdl-override-supported is "attempted".
IPP provides no explicit guarantee of any type of behavior, and
the behavior you see is specific to those devices.

We can't (and don't) make the same guarantees with CUPS.

> ...
> Thus, for out in-house use, I modified the IPP backend accordingly: 
> the copies attribute with the value from the copies command line 
> parameter is only added to the set of attributes submitted to the IPP
> printer if and only if the original set of job attributes explicitely
> specifies the number of requested copies. (The behaviour of the other
> backends is not changed).

That sounds reasonable; feel free to submit this as a STR and we'll
look at adding this change to 1.2.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

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