I printed 2 copies single page document with duplex option but printed one paper.

fine.lee at samsung.com fine.lee at samsung.com
Thu Aug 26 19:14:51 PDT 2004

header->NumCopies is not setted when I print uncollated multi copy document.
I printed 2 copies single page document with non-postscript CUPS printer driver at OS X 10.2.8 and OS X 10.3.3.
But, printed document is 2 page one copy document.
I tried to change PPD's cupsManualCopies value, but I does not work.

1. Open a one page document.
2. Set copies to 2.
3. Uncheck collate option.
4. Set the duplex.
5. Print it with non-postscript CUPS printer driver.
6. First copy is printed at front side, second copy is printed at the back side.
How can I to do?
Please let me know that.

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