renaming quark jobs

Michael Sweet mike at
Fri Aug 13 14:30:34 PDT 2004

PieterJanDeBoeck at wrote:
> Hey Michael,
> I've been testing on a variety of apps. All apps are correctly renamed WITHIN cups, but the jobs originating from Quark and indesign are sent FROM cups under the original name. I checked the values of the cups job queue before and after my cupsDoRequest() request: Cups DOES rename the title field in ALL cases. So what goes on after that should be whithin cups.
> Shall I log that as a potential bug?

If you can put together a full log (LogLevel debug2) covering the
job creation, your changes, and the final print using the wrong
name, then we might have a chance of fixing it.

However, even if we fix it in CUPS 1.1.21, chances are it won't be
fixed in OSX until 10.4...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

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