renaming quark jobs

Michael Sweet mike at
Thu Aug 12 17:00:04 PDT 2004

pieterjandeboeck at wrote:
> Even if they use MacOS 9, they are still going through the cups
> scheduler right? I don't see any other way they would print? or is
> there a completely latent printing system hidden in some dark
> cobwebbed corner of OS X?

There are two print APIs in OS X which map to CUPS.  One is the
Quartz (CoreGraphics) print API which produces a PDF file for
printing, and one is a QuickDraw print API identical to the one in
MacOS 9 which produces a PICT file for printing.

> Could it have anything to do with the fact that my cupsDoRequest()
> I'm sending the job-uri and notd printer-uri + job-id ?

No, that doesn't matter.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

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