CUPS Arabic support ?

Michael Sweet mike at
Sat May 22 12:01:06 PDT 2004

Ahmad Khalifa wrote:
> the patch is now almost ready, but...
> we feel that changing the Bidi Engine from
> minibidi to Fribidi would be better for CUPS.
> Fribidi is available as an external library and
> it already comes out-of-the-box in some distros.
> as the Bidi Algorithm changes over time it would
> be better to use Fribidi.
> your opinion on this please ?

Without knowing the details of the license for Fribidi (do you have
a link), I can't say.  Any patch that is accepted into CUPS MUST
allow for relicensing (we license CUPS to third parties like Apple
who often want additional rights beyond those allowed by the GPL).
If Fribidi is GPL'd, then we can't use it.

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Printing Software for UNIX             

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