[cups.development] reject a printjob before accepting it

Daniel Willmann daniel.willmann at tu-bs.de
Wed Jun 1 13:35:32 PDT 2005


I'm currently working on reorganizing the printing system of our
University and I have a few questions on how I should do things.

We would like to be able to reject jobs when cups recieves them based on
accounting data. This way the user will know that his account is
unbalanced and can react right away.
I thought of calling a function in IsAuthorized() which connects to some
sort of authentication server and sends username, password and IP
This server then checks if the user is allowed to print and cups either
carries on or rejects the job (maybe with a 402 Payment Required?). 

I would like this to be included in mainstream cups at some point in the
future so please let me know if there are any showstoppers or if there
is a better way to do this.

Daniel Willmann

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