espgs8.15rc3: rangecheck in setpagedevice with custom PPD

Brion Finlay none at
Fri Jun 3 08:28:17 PDT 2005

I am experiencing a "rangecheck in pagesize" error similar to
STR 1172, except that I am not using SUSE.  I am using
cups 1.1.18 and ESP ghostscript 8.15rc3.  (I am trying to
upgrade from ESP ghostscript 7.05.5 which generally works
fine, but occasionally experiences some CIE issues.)

preliminary question: Are these versions of CUPS and ghostscript
compatible? Should I use these versions together, or should I try
to upgrade cups to a later version?  I couldn't find any information on about version compatibilities.

Main issue:
It seems like ghostscript 8.15rc3 is not using the pagesize information from
my PPD files correctly.  In my PPD, I redefine the letter pagesize
to 312x425 with HW resolution 203x203.  Looking at the log, the
pagesize 312x425 shows up on the initial line for the job, but the
pagesize is redefined later as 612x792.  After setup, cups tries
to set the pagesize to 312x425, but this results in a "rangecheck in
setpagedevice" error.

Perhaps ESP Ghostscript 8.15 is not properly using the
"-dNOMEDIAATTRS" option.  If I modify /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster
and replace this option with "-dFIXEDMEDIA" then the setpagedevice
error goes away and printing works (almost) properly.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  Should I file an STR for this issue?

Here are excerpts from the log file.  I preceeded lines with the line number
in my logfile.

1488: (Job starts)
1497: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%BeginSetup
1498: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] Running /usr/bin/gs -dQUIET -dDEBUG -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -c -
1499: (initialization files)
1560: (static resources)
1593: (fonts)
1605: (some parameters)
1622: This block 6 times:

       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->header.Duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->page = 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD = 0x866c620
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] width = 1725, height = 2233
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 203 203 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] matrix = [ 2.819 0.000 0.000 -2.819 -0.000 2233.000 ]

1672: (Checking/Merging/Selecting/Constructing/Putting)
1700: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] [612.0 792.0]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] /.MediaSize
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] /%MediaDestination
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] /%MediaSource
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] true
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] /.LockSafetyParams
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] /MediaPosition
1710: ... (stuff that doesn't seem important)
1729: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:02 +0000] [Job 3] Updating PageSize to [612 792]...
1754: This block 6 more times:

       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->header.Duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->page = 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD = 0x866c620
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] width = 1725, height = 2233
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 203 203 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] matrix = [ 2.819 0.000 0.000 -2.819 -0.000 2233.000 ]

1813: (Some DSC stuff)
1850: (More Checking/Merging/Selecting/Constructing/Putting)
1905: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] [612.0 792.0]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /.MediaSize
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /%MediaDestination
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /%MediaSource
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /cupsColorOrder
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] [203 203]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /HWResolution
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 3
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /cupsColorSpace
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] /MediaPosition

1941: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Updating PageSize to [612 792]...
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] size = Custom
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] margins[] = [ 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Reallocating memory, [612 792] = 1725x2233 pixels...

1946: This block 1 more time:

       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->header.Duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->page = 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD = 0x866c620
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] width = 1725, height = 2233
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 203 203 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] matrix = [ 2.819 0.000 0.000 -2.819 -0.000 2233.000 ]
1962: ... (stuff that doesn't seem important)
1982: This block 9 more times:

       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->header.Duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cups->page = 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD = 0x866c620
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] cupsPPD->flip_duplex = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] width = 1725, height = 2233
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageSize = [ 612 792 ], HWResolution = [ 203 203 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] HWMargins = [ 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 ]
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] matrix = [ 2.819 0.000 0.000 -2.819 -0.000 2233.000 ]

2062: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%EndSetup
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%Page: 1 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%Page: 1 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] pw = 312.0, pl = 425.0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageLeft = 0.0, PageRight = 312.0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageTop = 425.0, PageBottom = 0.0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] PageWidth = 312.0, PageLength = 425.0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%BeginPageSetup
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%EndPageSetup
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%PageTrailer
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] 0 %%Trailer
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Saw Trailer!

2109: D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Error: /rangecheck in --setpagedevice--
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Operand stack:
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] --dict:14/14(ro)(L)--   --dict:14/14(ro)(L)--   --dict:14/14(ro)(L)--   --dict:1/3(L)--   --nostringval--   --dict:66/66(ro)(L)--   --dict:1/3(L)--   --dict:8/67(L)--   --dict:1/2(L)--   --nostringval--   --dict:3/3(L)--   true   --nostringval--   MediaPosition   0   %MediaSource   0   %MediaDestination   0   --dict:8/67(L)--
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Execution stack:
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   4   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Dictionary stack:
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] --dict:1117/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:108/200(L)--
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Current allocation mode is local
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] ESP Ghostscript 815.00: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] Saw EOF!
       E [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] PID 1612 stopped with status 1!
       E [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] [Job 3] No pages found!
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] UpdateJob: job 3, file 0 is complete.
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] CancelJob: id = 3
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] StopJob: id = 3, force = 0
       D [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] StopJob: printer state is 3
       E [14/Jan/2020:00:30:03 +0000] PID 1611 stopped with status 1!

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