[cups.bugs] Solution found...

Rainer Hantsch office at hantsch.co.at
Tue Sep 13 06:47:28 PDT 2005


because I had to establish really urgently a working way of printing, I
finally replaced CUPS with 'lprng' again. This removed all problems with one
stroke: "Mysterious Stack errors" are not printed any more, all queues are

Not really a solution in manner of CUPS, but a solution at all.  ;-)

Maybe, I will give it a try with newer versions of CUPS in the future.

Anyway, thank you very much for your suggestion(s).

| When you explicitely specify that it is raw data
| e.g. via command line parameters like
| lp -d <queue> -o raw file
| or (see "man cups-lpd") like
| lp -d <queue> -o document-format=application/vnd.cups-raw file
| then CUPS will not try to autodetect the data format because
| it is already specified.
| You could set up in SAMBA an appropriate print command to
| make sure CUPS knows that it is raw data.
| This is the recommended way.
| Therefore we have by default in newer Suse Linux versions
| in /etc/samba/smb.conf
| cups options = raw
| but this entry requires an appropriate newer SAMBA version.
| With older SAMBA versions specify the print command as usual.
| You could alternatively try to activate printing of
| application/octet-stream data in /etc/cups/mime.types
| and /etc/cups/mime.convs but then CUPS will fall back
| to raw printing for any unknown data type so that any
| user can "print" by accident any kind of binary data
| which will be sent by CUPS in raw mode directly to the
| printer which will spit out tons of sheets with meaningless
| characters. Therfeore this is not recommended.
| You could enhance the application/vnd.cups-raw mime type
| in /etc/cups/mime.types so that you particular printer
| specific data for the "EPSON Photo 1200" can be recognized
| by CUPS as a data type which must be printed in raw mode.
| Inspect in the SAMBA spool directory the print-data files
| which come from Windows and try to find a characteristic
| header byte sequence which can be used for autodetection
| of this kind (and only this kind) of data type.
| This is another way which should work well provided you
| can find such a characteristic header byte sequence.
| Kind Regards
| Johannes Meixner


  Ing. Rainer Hantsch

|      \\|//              Ing. Rainer HANTSCH  -  Hardware + Software |
|      (o o)        Service - Support - WEB-Design und Programmierung |
| Ing. Rainer HANTSCH |  mail: office at hantsch.co.at                   |
| Khunngasse 21/20    |   www: http://www.hantsch.co.at               |
| A-1030 Vienna       |   tel: +43-1-79885380    fax: +43-1-798853818 |
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