Cannot reprint job in v1.2.2

Patrick Young pyoung at
Fri Aug 11 17:38:49 PDT 2006

I'm using CUPS v1.2.2 on Fedora Core 5 (PPC). I have set both PreserveJobFiles and PreserveJobHistory to On. I have restarted the machine and still cannot reprint new jobs (ones printed after the setting change took place). When I click the Repring Job button in the web interface the page says "Job x has been restarted" (where x is the job number). I can print test pages from the web interface and regular jobs sent from a client computer come out fine. Just can't reprint jobs.

Any suggestions? Thank you for your help!

P.S. When I click the Reprint Job button and receive the "Job x has been restarted" message the job I clicked on disappears from the job history. I'm not sure what the mentality for having it disappear is, but is there a way to stop that? We use the history as an archive of who printed what and when. Thank you!

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