Cups authentication (pam_ldap)

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu Feb 2 13:52:59 PST 2006

I have to authenticate users before they can print something using lpr and friends. 99% of users are kept in LDAP - everything is configured properly - pam & nss works (samba and openssh work without any problems).

The problem is with CUPS. When I enable pam_ldap on cups and if I put in <Location />
AuthType Basic
AuthClass User

...then of course, when I issue 'date | lpr -Pprinter' I am asked for my password. I have to submit it _TWICE_ - after second time CUPS says that I can print. I was tracing logs, sniffing connections etc. I discovered, that cups returns 401 after some time - exactly after this line:
d [02/Feb/2006:22:37:49 +0100] ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...

Further requests do not contain "Authorization: Basic blablabla". Is it a bug or a feature? How can I turn of this "feature" - or if there is any patch or if there is something I do totally wrong.

Runs on gentoo. cups-1.1.23-r7


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