Softweave output blackens out images

Michael Sweet mike at
Fri Feb 17 06:54:37 PST 2006

Anonymous wrote:
>                           Hello again!
> First of all thank You for Your prompt answer.
> In fact I did set the values from r300-colorman.drv and according to the manual this way:
> header.cupsRowCount = 90;
> header.cupsRowFeed  = 0;
> header.cupsRowStep = 100 * header.HWResolution[0] / 360 +
>                            header.HWResolution[1] / 120;
> (ImageToRaster.c)
>  - but it would blacken images out entirely - so I deduced I'd missed something essential about the parameters' exact meaning. I did set the smallest dot size and the minimal ink limit - again without any considerable effect either. It looked rather like printing went over and over the same place - too many times.
> P'raps You could still give me a clue what could be wrong here?

I dunno - are you using the PPD file and normal filters, or are you
trying to write you own raster generator?

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Publishing Software

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