Where is the Policy Documentation

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at danka.de
Sat Jun 10 20:45:28 PDT 2006

Jim Drash <jim.drash at gmail.com> wrote (Friday 09 June 2006 18:57):

> The new ploicy directives in 1.2.1 are not documented with any clarity so
> it is exceedingly easy to set up incorrectly. 

That's true.

> If one set it up wrong, 
> most of the messages from Cups tools report "Uknown".  This is a
> particularly useless repsonse.  It ought to be something about the reuqest
> could not be met by policy restriction.
> Even then, since there is no documentation on how to correctly set these
> up or what the defaults mean, we are guessing at best.

I'm currently writing 2 articles on that topic (kicked off by your
complaint). :-)  One deals with access control configuration in 
CUPS 1.1.x, and the second one with the policy setting that are 
now possible in 1.2.x.


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