[cups.bugs] [LOW] STR #1777: _cupsAdminGetServerSettings and _cupsAdminSetServerSettings are broken

Roger Leigh rleigh at debian.org
Wed Jun 14 08:54:39 PDT 2006

[STR New]

_cupsAdminGetServerSettings parses cupsd.conf.  It

* does not cater for Include directives, so the settings it returns are
not representative of the system configuration.
* it should return the actual configuration in use by the server, rather
than parsing the config files.  What it parses isn't necessarily in use.

_cupsAdminSetServerSettings is rather dangerous.  It

* also does not cater for Include directives
* can trash the configuration so the admin can't administer it, because
they get locked out by it removing the ability to access it.

Please see Debian Bug #372727

This includes details of all the configuration.

When writing out the config, it would be preferable if
_cupsAdminSetServerSettings wrote out individual settings such as
browsing, sharing, debugging were wrote out into separate files which are
then Included in the main cupsd.conf.  In Debian these are in
/etc/cups/cups.d/.  This would make it impossible for the user's
configuration to be damaged, while at the same time being much simpler and

(I will be looking at implementing this in Debian.)

Link: http://www.cups.org/str.php?L1777
Version: 1.2.1

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