[cups.bugs] [HIGH] STR #1523: Further pstops corruption due to lack of linelen assignment

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Mar 29 13:31:12 PST 2006

[STR New]

[Replicated against 1.2rc1, which does not appear in the version pulldown]

Output from dvips and probably other software is corrupted by the pstops
filter. (I have only seen additional garbage added immediately after
%%BeginSetup:, but other corruption should be possible.)

The cause is a failure to propagate linelen up to copy_dsc() after copying
the prolog; the setup section also lacks the same. So the first line in
the setup section is assumed to be as long as the first line in the
prolog, and... mess results.

Patch attached.

Link: http://www.cups.org/str.php?L1523
Version: 1.2-current
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