[cups.development] [RFE] STR #1695: Ability to cancel a job on remote from a cups server on a remote cups served ipp printer

Francesco fdoffizi at libero.it
Wed May 17 07:44:03 PDT 2006

[STR New]

As told here:

I (not the author of that post) have a similar configuration. A Samba/Cups
server I call Turing is my PDC. I have some cups only printservers
(calling them PS1...PSn).
I connected and installed printers on all those print servers and
installed those printers on Turing cups via ipp://PS1/... then shared via
Samba to Windows machines.
All is working ok when I print from windows client but I discovered I
can't delete jobs! It seems that the deletion is ok but of course printer
continues its job, cause I send remove job request (as I can understand)
only to first cups, and it can't arrive to second one.
Is there something wrong with my setup or it could actually be a new
feature for Cups?!


Link: http://www.cups.org/str.php?L1695
Version:  -feature

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