Backchannel usage

Michael Sweet mike at
Mon May 22 11:48:39 PDT 2006

Josh Mathis wrote:
> One quick update - I tried this with a USB printer, and the result was 
> different. I wrote the same status request and read the same way. The 
> read returned -1. However, watching a tail of the error_log, AFTER my 
> filter was done, and the read returned -1, I get a debug message from 
> the USB backend saying that it received 2 bytes of backchannel data. I 
> changed my filter to timeout after 10 seconds on the read, then issue 
> another read. The second one comes back correctly, with the right data 
> from the printer. I have also tried excessive timeouts like 2 minutes, 
> but get the same result - the first read always fails.
> So this raises two questions - why does the parallel backend not get 
> anything at all back, and why does the USB get the return data too late?

What OS?

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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