Preview Print Jobs (get job from server?)

Ken Tanzer ktanzer at
Thu Apr 12 10:13:39 PDT 2007

> Turn on debug logging and then look at the error_log file.

Here it is.  No obvious problem here.  Is there anything specific a CGI program has to do, other than produce some output and exit?

D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdAcceptClient: skipping getpeercon()
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdAcceptClient: 9 from localhost:631 (IPv6)
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 9 GET /preview.php?id=65 HTTP/1.1
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdReadClient: 9 Browser asked for language "en-us.utf-8"...
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data provided.
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] CGI /usr/bin/php started - PID = 7119
I [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] Started "/usr/bin/php" (pid=7119)
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] cupsdSendCommand: 9 file=10
D [12/Apr/2007:10:04:47 -0700] PID 7119 (/usr/bin/php) exited with no errors.
D [12/Apr/2007:10:09:48 -0700] Closing client 9 after 300 seconds of inactivity...
D [12/Apr/2007:10:09:48 -0700] cupsdCloseClient: 9

> Complain to the FHS folks.  /usr/share/doc/<software> is the
> standard location for software documentation files.

The "help" directory is clearly documentation.  The "Images" directory and any CGI programs seem much more like program and data then documentation.  It's a little confusing, but since I hardly ever have to worry about it, it's fine  with me! :)

Thanks again.


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