
Premjo premjo.elias at
Mon Dec 10 21:03:32 PST 2007

So i can sell this without source. What are the licensing procedure do we have to follow, if my question is not wrong?


> Premjo wrote:
> > Dear Sir,
> >
> >    We have to develop a driver for our printers by using CUPS. but the printer manufacturer commands sets are confidential. So is it possible to sell or realease the driver without the source of commands which is  propritory for the manufacturer?
> Yes, of course.
> The CUPS API (-lcups) and CUPS Imaging (-lcupsimage) libraries are
> both LGPL'd, just like the GNU C library, so just link to the shared
> versions of those libraries (the default) to satisfy the requirements
> of the LGPL.
> --
> ______________________________________________________________________
> Michael R Sweet                        Senior Printing System Engineer

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