[cups.development] document rotation; WAS Re: Access to IPP attributes in filters and backends

Jon Peatfield J.S.Peatfield at damtp.cam.ac.uk
Fri Dec 14 02:19:23 PST 2007

On Thu, 13 Dec 2007, Michael R Sweet wrote:

> urs-jakob.rueetschi at phz.ch wrote:
>> I would like to read and modify IPP job attributes from within filters 
>> and backends. What's the best way to do so? Do I have to use 
>> httpConnect(), ippWrite() and friends? Is there a simpler / more direct 
>> method?
> That is the only supported way to read attributes, however in general
> filters cannot modify attributes since the job is active.

Should a filter not be allowed to alter the options seen by later filters 
to say that they have been acted on already and don't need to still be 

Otherwise when (say) a PDF job requests page rotation how does the pdftops 
tell pstops not to also attempt to rotate the job?

Currently running cups-1.3.4 on a test server I see PDF jobs submitted 
from MacOSX with orientation-requested set to 4 (landscape) ending up 
printed incorrectly rotated (upside down I think 'cos it looks like two 
sets of 90 degree rotations are being done).

Manually running pdftops and then pstops with orientation-requested=4 
shows that each of them seems to do a rotation on the job.  Is this 

Just letting pdftops do it's rotation (hacking pstops temporarily to hide 
the orientation-requested option), the documents come out with the correct 
orientation (hooray), but offset on the A4 page by about an inch.

Hacking pdftops to _not_ do it's rotation and letting pstops alone seems 
to do a better job - at least for a couple of simple test pages).

[ I note that the MacOSX 10.4 setup doesn't use the standard cups pdftops 
itself so has different behaviour. ]

I see code in PSOutputDev.cxx; PSOutputDev::writeHeader() to pass a majic 
comment to pstops and code in pdftops.cxx; main() to do the rotation 
(thought at that point it doesn't seem to have read the job pagesize).

When pstops.c; copy_comments() sees the cupsRotation comment it does 
something I don't really follow/understand.

Of course I could be completely misunderstanding the problem, or it might 
be a fault of the way we built cups here rather than in cups itself.

> STATE: and PAGE: messages can be used to modify the
> printer-state-message and job-media-sheets-completed attributes,
> respectively.

Jon Peatfield,  Computer Officer,  DAMTP,  University of Cambridge
Mail:  jp107 at damtp.cam.ac.uk     Web:  http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/

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