Cups Administration

russbucket russbucket at
Wed Jan 17 03:49:57 PST 2007

russbucket wrote:

> Posting this here since no response was received on Cups-general list. Is
> this a bug or is this the wrong place to ask this?
> Just did upgrade and used lppasswd to input password for an admin user and
> root, different than their login passwords. Keep getting password
> validation errors, changed to root login password and it allows root to
> login to cups. Is this a change from previous versions? Old SUSE 10.0
> allowed passwords to be different.
> If I create a printmgr user what group does he need to be in? (lp? or ?
> )
> Thanks in advance for any help.
Thanks for the responses. I think the best answer will be create a printmgr
user and use it. I'll also check with The OpenSUSE list. Thanks again.

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