French localization - HELP !

Michael Sweet mike at
Wed Jan 31 05:41:30 PST 2007

philippe wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two problems, despite I started to follow strictly the CUPS 1.2 Translation Guide.
> First, you must know that Fench is quite verbose. Using your Gimp scripts to translate the button images results in sometimes quite wide buttons...
> I tried to include a \n in the text string. How surprised I was to see it was understood !
> But the problem is that the resulting button keeps the same height as the original, and thus the it only shows the lower par tof te first line and the upper part of the second one.
> Well, I looked at the german (German is even more verbose) buttons and I saw that the translator did not worry about this.
> But if it was possible to have two-line buttons, it would b really great !

I should be able to modify the Gimp script accordingly, but we'd
prefer to keep the buttons the same height for consistency...

> The second issue deals with the translate program for the .po.
> I did:
> cp cups.pot cups_fr.po
> ./translate cups_fr.po fr
> It does not translate the messages. It only copes the english string.
 > ...

Yeah, I haven't updated that program in a while - the results are
not always the greatest (like what you get here in the US for
Japanese/Chinese instructions machine translated to English :), and
I've gotten complaints when we've used it to do a quick translation,
but I'll make sure to fix it so you can at least start with the
Google version...

Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products           mike at easysw dot com
Internet Printing and Document Software

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