[LOW] STR #2410: When a filter is not found the errormessages are misguiding.

Kurt Pfeifle kurt.pfeifle at infotec.com
Thu Jun 7 10:34:27 PDT 2007

> If a filter from mime.convs is not found there is no error message. Instead
> the type/filter path is silently dropped, leading later on to "Unsupported
> format 'application/...'" errors. A "filter 'foobar' not found" error
> would be much nicer.

To issue "filter 'foobar' not found" you'd need to know that you were looking for filter foobar.

In your case, there is no indication for CUPS for a matching filtername, there is only the information that the mime type defined in mime.types does not have *any* filter assigned.

You should have asked for case insensitive filter names and/or mime.types
:-)     [However, that will have some other implications that need to be thoroughly considered...]


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