Preview Print Jobs (get job from server?)

Ken Tanzer ktanzer at
Fri Mar 23 09:23:39 PDT 2007

Hi.  We're running a computer lab where various workstations send their print jobs to a FC6 machine running a CUPS server.  CUPS is set to hold the jobs until they are manually released.  We want a way to be able to preview the jobs before they are printed.

Is there currently any way to do so?  It doesn't seem like there is.  If not, can anyone provide a sense of how much work would be involved, and/or any general ideas or pointers for how to go about doing so?  (I'm guessing you would need a way for a CUPS client to ask a server to send a copy of a particular job.)

Thanks in advance!


p.s.,  I figured I'd post this straight to the developer's list, since Opher Shachar posted a similar question on the general mailing list (, and it got no reply.

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