Remote IP

Matthias Jansen mail at
Thu Oct 11 11:17:49 PDT 2007

> Matthias Jansen wrote:
> > in a backend programm I'm writing, I need the information which IP
> > address the printing job is from. The only place I found this infor-
> > mation is in the corresponding file /var/spool/cups/c000<id> but this
> > file is per default only readable by root but the process of my
> > backend is spawned as lp.
> Backends which are set to 0700 permission and owned by root are run as
> root.

Thanks for that info! Then the script will be able to parse the cxxxx file to get the hostname.

> > I already tried Net::CUPS (as my backend is
> > a perl script) but this doesn't seem to give me the information I need.
> >
> > Is there any other way?
> I don't know what info Net::CUPS provides at all. But what you are
> looking for is the IPP job attribute called "job-originating-host-name".

Yes, I know. This information can be parsed from the cxxxx file.
> AFAIK, there is no way to access the client IP or hostname value via an
> environment variable set by CUPS.

So, parsing the cxxxx file will be the only way to retrieve the IP at the moment?

Maybe that would be a feature for one of the next CUPS versions, to provide the remote ip in an env variable.

Thanks for the tips!

Best regards,

Matthias Jansen

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