[cups.development] SpliX and contrast

Aurélien Croc aurelien at ap2c.com
Fri Oct 19 05:16:38 PDT 2007

I still sent a such mail in the past but i didn't get any answers.

Some splix users told me they had a high contrast in the printed  
sheets (in particular when they print their photos).
Since rastertospl2 is just a compression algorithm which takes a CMYK  
bitmap and compress it with a loseless algorithm, i think the problem  
comes from the PS to CMYK bitmap conversion (which seems to be done  
by ghostscript).
So my question is: how can we adjust that contrast which is too high  
for a better contrast?

Till answered to me that it was the ghostscript. So i contact them  
but they didn't "understood" that rastertospl2 doesn't interact  
directly with ghostscript but via the ps2raster... They wanted i give  
to them the exact command line which is used and try different  

Last but not least, i think splix is not the only filter which do  
that sort of job so if i have that trouble, maybe that trouble is a  
common trouble and you have answers?


M. Aurélien Croc
Projet AP²C - http://www.ap2c.org
Clef Publique : http://www.ap2c.org/aurelien.gpg

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