[cups.development] missing page count information

Michael R Sweet msweet at apple.com
Thu Apr 10 21:39:23 PDT 2008

Doil Lee wrote:
> Hi,
> I made custom backend to intercept all backends and fetch job information. In the backend I'm using cupsGetOption() to get page count related information especially following options:
> com.apple.print.PrintSettings.PMTotalBeginPages
> com.apple.print.PrintSettings.PMFirstPage
> com.apple.print.PrintSettings.PMLastPage
> com.apple.print.JobInfo.PMApplicationName --> it's also missing
> However, some application(i.e, Adobe CS3) which bypassing filter level do not seem to carry those information. Is there anyway to get those information? I've tried to use 'page_log' file, but it's inconsistent per printer.

This information is also missing for jobs submitted from the command-
line, via Samba, from Java applications, etc.  You cannot depend on
the options/attributes being present.

Michael R Sweet                        Senior Printing System Engineer

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