Printer URI getting corrupted

Joe Julian joe at
Thu Feb 7 19:36:49 PST 2008

> Joe Julian wrote:
> > ...
> >> The client is also cups version 1.2.12-4 from fc6 (on another fc6 box) which is printing using lp.
> > ...
> > Did I give you all the information you wanted, or am I missing something?
> That's all the info, however I'm still not able to reproduce it with
> the standard 1.2.12 release.  Have you reported the problem to the
> Fedora folks?  It could be a Fedora-specific issue, either a patch to
> the scheduler or some issue with the compiler or standard libraries
> that is causing the memory corruption.
> Also, does the same problem happen on other machines with the same
> configuration?

I suppose it could possibly be a compiler issue, though you'd think something that could cause that kind of memory corruption should be a major problem. I guess I'll build a new machine with a different distro next.

This is the only machine that acts as a print server.

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