Translation problem in Spanish, French, and Portuguese

ronaly ronaly at
Tue Mar 18 00:17:07 PDT 2008

After I have compiled a drv, I found out strange translation issues on the following locales: spanish, french, and portuguese. and of these two strings: "Letterhead" and "Preprinted".

The translation of "Letterhead" in my PO is different from the one generated in the base translation of DDK. For "Preprinted" string, they both the same.

What happen is, in the generated PPD, "Letterhead" and "Preprinted" strings have similar translation on the locales stated above.

My question is:

Is the DDK's translation of "Letterhead" and "Preprinted" similar?
I am not sure if the translation of "Preprinted" is coming from my PO or generated from the DDK. But I am sure the translation of "Letterhead" is NOT from my PO.

I just want to confirm if  DDK is doing the translation of Letterhead and Preprinted.  And if it so then, letterhead is translated incorrectly.

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