My cups server bloques ....

Alfonso alfonsoprendes at
Fri Mar 21 02:26:09 PDT 2008

Hello I hope you will understand what I'm going try to explain to you because my English is not really good. So, I've got a server running Xubuntu 7.04, with Cups 1.2.8 version, sometimes and I don't know why my cups server falls and I'm obligated to restart de cupsys server doing /etc/init.d/cupsys restart. In my cups errors log I can see the following message:
"E [21/Mar/2008:09:44:09 +0100] Unable to create pipes for CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/jobs.cgi - Too many open files"

Please I need help I don't know what to do ... I love Linux but I have not enough knowledge to solve my problem. Thank you.

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