[cups.development] Donate CUPS-SVG printer driver

Ferry Toth ftoth at telfort.nl
Thu Aug 27 09:31:51 PDT 2009

Hello all,

I have created a cups-svg printer driver by modifying the code of
cups-pdf to make it use ps2edit as a filter.

- svg is a standardized vector graphics format. It can be imported
natively into Inkscape, or with little loss into OpenOffice Draw
- the cups-svg driver can be shared to Windows users using Samba, the
same way as cups-pdf, allowing windows user to print svg without getting
into details of printing to ps file, importing ps into Inkscape etc.

Typically, this allows converting file formats to svg for edit, when a
unix/linux editor does not exist.

A typical tough case is converting Autocad DXF. By printing DXF using
Autocad's free viewer (Autodesk DWG Trueview) to SVG, small edits can be
made to mechanical drawing prior to importing them into a wordprocessor
like OO Writer.

The printer driver is only able to print one page at a time, as (AFAIK)
the svg file format only allows 1 page.

I am willing to donate the modified code, as I am not a real programmer
and have no clue how to create a decent package. In the ideal case I
would hope that the code or similar code would go into the cups-pdf
driver as installation goes in exactly the same way. Actually it would
be great is cups-pdf would be made more configurable, so no modification
of the code would be necessary.

How do I proceed from here?



Ferry Toth
Exalon Delft BV
Radex Innovation Center
The Netherlands
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