customize web gui for a high school

peter peter at
Wed May 20 09:42:48 PDT 2009

Hi, I'm using the cups web gui as a print-release-station in a high school. I have thin clients next to each printer and the browser is showing: localhost:631/jobs.

It works really well, but students don't know which printer they printed to and they repeatedly go to the wrong release-station and release their jobs to the opposite printer.

I wish I could customize the jobs.tmpl file (or some other file) so that I could set the browser to only show the relevant print jobs. My idea was to copy jobs.tmpl file to printer2jobs.tmpl and edit that file to only show printer2 print jobs on Printer 2's release station.

This was further complicated by the <pre><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="2 ;url=/jobs/?FIRST=0&ORDER=dec"></pre>
line I put at the beginning of jobs.tmpl to refresh the list of print jobs every 2 seconds and sort them in descending order.

Any suggestions?

Oh, and I can reconsider this, but I've been sending multiple queue's to the same printer so I'll need to filter for multiple queues.


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