Print job not deleting when no output from filter?

Tim Pushor tim.pushor at
Mon Aug 9 11:28:51 PDT 2010

Tim Pushor wrote:

> Now in my case I can work around it by sending a very small minimal PDF 
> file, as it will be absorbed by the file:/dev/null printer but a) this 
> is gross, and b) makes me wonder about print jobs hanging around if 
> filter scripts fail or erroneously generate output that scripts further 
> up the chain can't grok .. Is this the desired behavior of cups?

Apologies for replying to my reply but ..

I have done just this - I have modified my filter script to output a 
minimal PDF that goes further up the print chain before getting dumped 
in /dev/null, and ensuring that the print job deletes.. Yucky yes but 
until I have a better solution ..

While watching the logs I realized that I had assigned a PCL printer ppd 
to the null printer which had the effect that ghostscript got invoked to 
  generate PCL (that ended up in the bit bucket). I swapped that PPD out 
for a postscript one to elminite that expensive step, and it got me 
thinking .. Is it possible to define a printer that uses PDF as its 
input? If so, i could also eliminate the pdftops step, and possibly the 
whole gross minimal PDF page output.


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