"Backend ipp" crashed on signal 11 - when printing on network-printer

Marcos Kattanek Marcos.Katanek at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 01:05:45 PST 2011

Cups reports: (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) crashed on signal 11. Printer queue will be disabled.

CUPS: 1.5.0
OS: openSUSE 12.1 (x86_64); Linux 3.1.0-1.2
Printer: Kyocera FS-C5100DN
<DefaultPrinter Testprinter0>
UUID urn:uuid:11a8c0b7-69ff-3d5b-5020-46f7b261c6e5
AuthInfoRequired none
Info Kyocera FS-C5100DN (KPDL)
Location Keller
MakeModel Kyocera FS-C5100DN (KPDL)
DeviceURI ipp://
State Stopped
StateMessage /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp failed

With CUPS 1.4.6, installed temporarily on the same OS, printing works without any problems. With CUPS 1.5.0 nothing gets printed and print queue will be disabled after attempting to print. Tested a lot, no solution found.

> lpstat -t
printer Testprinter0 disabled since Wed Dec 14 08:22:16 2011 -
        /usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp failed

Logfile cups/error_log (LogLevel debug; in cupsd.conf):
E [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] PID 17827 (/usr/lib/cups/backend/ipp) crashed on signal 11.
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] Skipping page 2...
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] Skipping page 3...
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] Wrote 1 pages...
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] PID 17829 (pdftops) exited with no errors.
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] PID 17830 (pstops) exited with no errors.
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] PID 17826 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops) exited with no errors.
I [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] Backend returned status -11 (crashed)
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] cupsdMarkDirty(-----S)
D [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] cupsdSetBusyState: newbusy="Printing jobs and dirty files", busy="Dirty files"
I [14/Dec/2011:08:22:16 +0100] [Job 49] Printer stopped due to backend errors; please consult the error_log file for details.

Thanks for your attention, marcos

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