cannot read data send by server

Helge Blischke h.blischke at
Fri Feb 4 03:56:40 PST 2011

Patrice wrote:

> Hello
> i am trying to read the data send by the printer to the server through the
> network by using httpRead and ippRead functions. my code is as follow:
> void read_file()
> {
>    http_t *http = httpConnect("", 631); //connect to server
>    ipp_t *ipp = ippNew();
>    ipp_state_t status;
>    while ((status = ippRead(http, ipp)) != IPP_ERROR)
>    if (status == IPP_DATA)
>    break;
>    if (status == IPP_DATA)
>    {
>       cout <<"Data to be read"<<endl;
>       //data will be read here using httpRead
>    }
> }
> my problem is that the i do not get to the second if statement. what could
> possibly be the problem. I am using cups with Qt4 library so there is a
> Qt4 signal that checks if there is a data pending on the server and the
> data will be read using httpRead/ippRead

Both if statements check the very same condition, thus you won't get to the 
second if statement.


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