CUPS 1.4.7 IPP Compliance Test failure

Jerry Fowler jfowler at
Thu Aug 9 09:14:20 PDT 2012

> It also appears that there are multiple places in the ipptest.c code where the message "Unexpected token" can be generated.

Correction: it appears that the get_token function in ipptest.c is not recognizing the entire comment statement.

The first 10 lines of 4.1-requests.test are as follows (with line numbers):

     1  #
     2  # "$Id: 4.1-requests.test 8235 2009-01-13 00:55:16Z mike $"
     3  #
     4  #   Verify that the server requires the following attributes:
     5  #
     6  #       attributes-charset
     7  #       attributes-natural-language
     8  #       printer-uri/job-uri
     9  #
    10  {

Even though the message from the test indicates:

Unexpected token attributes-natural-language seen on line 4 - aborting test!

I suspect that there is some bug in this function for the AIX platform at least that is causing it not to recognize line 7 as a comment and storing the "attributes-natural-language" at the first part of token buffer and causing the get_token to throw it out as the first character of token must be a left brace.

Does that make sense?

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