Authentification problems

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu Aug 5 22:09:36 PDT 2004

Hello everybody,
I'm pretty new to this whole cups business and I'm already in need of help...
I want to use a printer in the uni network (under TCP). Most printers show up fine, but not my printer. Therefore I tried to configure it (in grafical mode, not commandline, as I am new...), with IP adress, etc.
Now the problem is: Cups wants a password. I can't even access the "Do Administration Task" on <http://localhost:631>. As far as I understand it the localhost is my own computer. So using my password should work, or at least the root password. Neither one does.
Any solutions?

In the cupsd.conf file the AuthType is not on NONE, which would be default apparently. So when has this all changed? Can't be a mistake made by me, since I first heard about Cups today and I haven't been able to change anything.
Yep, I'm in deep ...

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