lpr -P to a remote system

Elvin Lee elvlee at ucdavis.edu
Mon Aug 16 14:42:45 PDT 2004

rjgoyette at anl.gov wrote:
> One of my users is having trouble printing to a remote system using the lpr -P command.  He wants to send toe print job to a printer on another system, named aragorn, and pick the print queue hp5si:
> lpr -Paragorn:hp5si file_name
> but gets the error:
> lpr: unable to print file: client-error-not-found
> /var/log/cups/error_log on the destination system says:
> print_job: resource name '/printers/aragorn:hp5si' no good!
> aragorn is configured to be a print server for all systems on it's subnet.   My user wants to send jobs from  a solaris system, but my attempts from LINUX systems fail in the same manner.
> Any advice?

Try using lp and -h instead of lpr:

lp -h aragorn -d hp5si file


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