printer wont print in upgraded linux

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu Aug 19 21:05:46 PDT 2004

I can't get my Epson C44UX printer (usb) working under knoppix 3.4 (linux kernel 2.4.26) although it works fine under the earlier knoppix 3.3 with the same ppd file.  Knoppix is a bootable Linux OS on CD so I am easily able to compare the 2.

For one thing I find it fishy that the latter version (3.4) of knoppix does not have a gimp-print subdirectory under /usr/share/cups.  That subdirectory exists in knoppix 3.3 and contains ppd files for nearly 200 printers.  I copied the ppd file from there onto the newer system that I'm trying to get working.

Anyways, when I send something to the printer, I get no errors so it appears to have worked except that nothing prints.  I had no problem configuring the printer other than the inability to print a test page.

I have been trying to troubleshoot... My system has cupsys 1.1.20 and I set LogLevel to debug and here is the output at the moment I try to print...

(The problem appears to be that its trying to access a nonexistent filter "rastertoprinter" which doesnt exist in the filter directory)

D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb"
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ -1 10 ]
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb", 0xbffefe00, 0xbffef170, 11, 10, 9)
I [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/usb (PID 16575) for job 6.
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] ProcessIPPRequest: 7 status_code=0
E [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] PID 16574 stopped with status 22!
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] /usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertoprinter: No such file or directory
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] CloseClient: 7
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] Page = 612x792; 9,9 to 603,792
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] Running /usr/bin/gs-esp -dQUIET -dDEBUG -dPARANOIDSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dNOMEDIAATTRS -sDEVICE=cups -sstdout=%stderr -sOUTPUTFILE=%stdout -c -
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] Printer using device file "/dev/usb/lp0"...
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] LPGETSTATUS returned a port status of 18...
D [19/Aug/2004:22:16:14 -0400] [Job 6] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0

And here is my cups.conf with comments stripped

AccessLog /var/log/cups/access_log
ErrorLog /var/log/cups/error_log
LogLevel debug
PageLog /var/log/cups/page_log
Printcap /etc/printcap.cups
User lp
Group sys
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