How do I change the default font?

Mal Mal
Mon Dec 13 08:07:36 PST 2004

Helge Blischke wrote:
> Mal, McLean wrote:
> > I'm wondering where it picks up the font from?
> As far as I can see from the sources (1.1.19, not the very newest ones),
> the fonts must either be declared as printer-resident in the printer's
> PPD or they get embedded from the directory where CUPS looks for
> fonts. CUPS 1.1.19 does not (yet) allow to modify the path by
> the environment variable CUPS_FONTPATH nor filename extensions like
> ..pfa, .pfb, .ps or the like.
> Helge

I tried changing the references to Courier in the file '/usr/share/cups/charsets/iso-8859-1' to Helvetica.
The printer now prints with the required font.
It looks like the mechanism to change the charset isn't working for me.

I switched the log level in cupsd.conf to debug2 and the error_log file has these 2 lines:-
D [13/Dec/2004:15:46:33 +0000] [Job 218] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica-Bold
D [13/Dec/2004:15:46:33 +0000] [Job 218] 0 %%+ font Helvetica

Does this mean it's using the printer-resident font here?
I can't see any evidence of a postscript font being downloaded.



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