[cups.general] Cups start up woes.

Paul Sattler psattler at hfs.washington.edu
Thu Dec 16 13:02:23 PST 2004

	This is my first interaction with a CUPS installation. Cups came installed when Redhat Linux was installed on our server.  Another SA did the installation so I was not present to observe any configuration/installation issues during the installation of the OS, that pertained to CUPS.
	I'm trying to get CUPS configured to replace LPD, during a platform change to linux from an old Digital Tru64 installation.  All of the installation files appear to be in place and I'm able to stop and start the CUPSD daemon.
	I have repeatedly gone through the configuration files (cupsd.conf, client.conf) in an effort to get printers defined.  Whenever I run a lpadmin command to define a printer I get the following error message.  lpadmin: add-printer (set device) failed: server-error-service-unavailable.
	In my CUPS knowledge void, I'm unclear if I don't have CUPS installed/configured correctly or I'm missing something else.  I also get no output from a lpinfo command.
	Can you offer any help for this scenario?


Paul Sattler
System Administrator
University of Washington
Housing and Food Services
sattlp at u.washington.edu
(206) 685-3501

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