
zakmck at zakmck at
Tue Jun 22 09:12:45 PDT 2004

Hi all,

the lpadmin quotas option doesn't seem to work. For instance the command:

lpadmin -p printer -o job-quota-period=60 -o job-page-limit=2

actually produces a change in /etc/cups/printers.conf, but any control is indeed applies, you may continue to print many more than 2 ppm.

Does anyone know something about?

For one interested, I've just finished (aka: NOT so much tested!) a PHP script, which reaches same goal by looking at page_log file (and invoking lprm). Please Find Attached.

Marco Brandizi

 *  (C) 2004 Marco Brandizi
 *  This code is free and may be distributed under terms of GPL licence
 *  Controls CUPS printing, using page log.
 *  Allow to stop all jobs such that printed pages per minute, from a single
 *  host are over a given limit.
 *  REQUIRES access to lprm command and page log file
 *    You can start once (for ex. sudden after cups) and will loop forever, waiting
 *    for page log lines
 *  BUGS
 *    - Works looking in log file and using lprm to remove
 *    jobs, too simple to notify back to sender a refuse
 *    - Still not so much tested, for ex. I'm not sure about CUPS page log
 *    format
define ( 'CUPS_PAGE_LOG', '/var/log/cups/page_log' );
define ( 'PAGES_PER_MINUTE', 4 );

$logfd = popen ( "tail -n 1 -f " . CUPS_PAGE_LOG, 'r' );

// DEBUG $logfd = fopen ( CUPS_PAGE_LOG, 'r' );
$pages = array();

while ( !feof ( $logfd ) ) // should be forever
  $time = time ();
  // Cleans jobs older than a minute
  foreach ( $pages as $host => $entry )
    if ( $time - $entry [ 'tstart' ]  > 60 ) {
      // DEBUG echo "host $host removed from check cache, start = {$entry [ 'tstart' ]}, time = $time, diff = " . ( $time - $entry [ 'tstart' ] ) . "\n";
      unset ( $pages [ $host ] );

  // Parse it
  $line = cfgets ( $logfd );
  $flds = null;
  // printer user job-id date-time page-number num-copies job-billing hostname
  // XRX_0000AA7068DF brandizi 3 [22/Jun/2004:12:28:02 +0200] 1 1 -
  if ( ! preg_match ( '/(.*) .* (.*) \[(.*) .*\] ([0-9]*) ([0-9]*) - (.*)/', $line, $flds ) ) {
    echo "Warning! Invalid line:\n$line\n";
  $printer = $flds [ 1 ];
  $jobid = $flds [ 2 ];
  $date = $flds [ 3 ];
  $page = $flds [ 4 ];
  $copies = $flds [ 5 ]; if ( $copies == 0 ) $copies = 1;
  $host = $flds [ 6 ];

  $tstamp = -1;
  // Normalized date         1D         2M         3Y            4H           5m           6s
  if ( !preg_match ( '/([0-9]{1,2})\/(.{1,3})\/([0-9]{4}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})/', $date, $dtItms ) )
    echo "Warning! Invalid date: $date\n";
    $tstamp = strtotime ( "{$dtItms [ 2 ]} {$dtItms [ 1 ]} {$dtItms [ 3 ]} {$dtItms [ 4 ]}:{$dtItms [ 5 ]}:{$dtItms [ 6 ]}" );

  // DEBUG echo "printer: $printer, job id: $jobid, date: $date ($tstamp), page: $page, host: $host\n";

  // Per host page counters
  if ( !$pages [ $host ] ) {
    $pages [ $host ] [ 'tstart' ] = $tstamp;
  $pages [ $host ] [ 'pages' ] += $copies;

  // echo "$host $host has printed {$pages [ $host ]['pages']} pages since {$pages [ $host ]['tstart']}\n";
  // No more than x pages from a single host
  if ( $pages [ $host ] [ 'pages' ] > PAGES_PER_MINUTE )
    $cmd = "lprm -P $printer $jobid";
    if ( !system ( $cmd, $err ) )
      echo "Job $jobid from host $host killed, too many pages\n";
      echo "Warning! Could not issue: $cmd, error $err\n";
    //DEBUG $time = $tstamp;

/** Returns the line without endings */
function cfgets ( $fd, $len = 1024 )
  $line = fgets ( $fd, $len );
  if ( !$line ) return '';
  $len = strlen ( $line );
  $c = $line { $len };
  return  $c == '\n' || $c == EOF ? substr ( $line, 0, $len - 1  ) : $line;


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