Full rights to cancel jobs

olivier o.gagne at ogagne.serveftp.net
Wed Jun 2 02:29:00 PDT 2004

Dustin Wenz wrote:
> Michael Sweet wrote:
> >
> > You just need to add the normal user group(s) to the end of the
> > SystemGroup definition, and then limit access to /admin to only
> > the "real" system group.
> I think the problem was that my printing user account was in the 'admin' group instead of 'users'. I appended that group entry to the SystemGroup def and everything works.
> Thanks for your help!

Hello, I'm newb with cups and I read your answers a lot but I can't delete jobs anway ...
Here are my explanations :
when i'm in the web interface, if I submit a print test page, i can delete it. that's good. But, if I've a document in the queue from a user "alpha" who sent this document from a window client machine, i can't delete the document.
In addition to that, if I'm on a windows client machine and that I'm in my printer manager (under Win XP) I can submit a print test file but I can't delete it !!! ( I can see that I've a refused access to my printer)
I tried all you said, but in vain :(
I don't really understand what you explained about the SystemGroup in cupsd.conf, maybe I'm wrong with it.
I tried this :
<Location /jobs>
Order Allow,Deny
Allow From All
but that doesn't work with me ....
I precise that I don't use Samba to manage my printer but that I use My printer with http://localhost:631/printers/MyPrinter to access it in my LAN.
someone could help me ?
Thanks in advance.

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