Printing PDF with cups 1.15 on SuSE 8.1

Anonymous anonymous at
Thu May 27 04:13:38 PDT 2004

Hi there,
i've got a weird problem on printing a PHP generated PDF-document via cups. The document ought to be printed by PHP's exec-command and not via browser. When doing so i always get a leading blank page.

The PDF-Document is fine. It can be viewed, printed no problem.
The result of pdftops is fine too, there is nothing wrong with it.
The printers haven't any banner-pages or what so ever activated.
Printing from within Webbrowser's work ( linux & windows) as expected.
Doing a:

lp -d printer document.pdf

on the cups 1.15 System always delivers a leading blank page. On a 1.20 cups-System it doesn't. I also detected that using an HP III PPD on the 1.15 system hasn't got this effect.

Hence i have to use the server with the 1.15 cups-system and i had to use a more specific PPD ( for using different paper-trays) my system always produces leading blank pages. This is o.k. for developing, but it won't be in daily use!

Has anyone got a hint for me?



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