hide a queue. Users shouldn't see all queues in OO, kprinter, etc.

ekkard gerlach jack at aiai.de
Sat May 22 14:58:03 PDT 2004

Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> ekkard gerlach wrote:
>>How can I hide printer queues that users shoudn't see.
>>e.g. raw-queues that might confuse normal users.
>>Users working with OpenOffice, kprinter, etc. normally
>>see all printer queues. How can i hide some of the queues?
> For kprinter you can make only a selection of CUPS printers
> visible.
> 1. Click on "System Options..."
> 2. Click on "Filter" (left hand column)
> 3. Select from complete printer list (left panel) all
>    printers you'd like to see  (hold [CTRL] key to make
>    multiple selections) and click [->] button.
> 4. Confirm with [OK].

o.k., but the user sees the queues. And the filter button is
very near to den arrow, where you can select printers.
So you might touch (not wanted!) the filter and suddenly
20 printers but not the select 3 printers appear. The office
girls are confused, they ask their chief, the chief asks me,
... and plenty of time is wasted.

Kurt, I need to hide printer queues that are not recovered
by a mouseklick! I think I'll recompile kprinter without
the filter button (after I've installed a filter).
That may be the best. I've done the same with trayimonc,
a frontend for imonc, a control software for a fli4l router.
Kurt, you can't imagine what my customer make wrong when
the have a menu option "end" oder "configuration"! And it's
my time I have to give support by telephone, I get no money
for that!

> Alternatively or additionally, you can also use a regular
> expression which should match the selection of printers:
> 3a. Make sure a text input field called "Location filter"
>     is visible at lower end of dialog. (Resize dialog in
>     lower vertical direction if it is not)
> 4a. Assuming you have filled into the "Location" field
>     the department names "finance department", "customer
>     service dept." and "marketing", to associate certain
>     printers with these departments. Now you could fill
>     in the regex "*in*" to make visible all printers from
>     the "marketing" and finance" departments to that user

I don't understand. But the selection by a filter like above
is the think that is the best.

>    $HOME/.kde*/share/config/kprinterrc

there's not much to:

[KPrinter Settings]

.. I can recognize FilterEnabled=true, nothing more has changed.
I hoped to find a list of printers, but no!

> file. So you could also manually edit that file for each
> user and use KDE's "kiosk" mode to make it immutable. 

hmmm ... is it possible to make the filter button ummutable, too?

thank you Kurt,

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