Is it load balancing?

angelb at angelb at
Tue May 11 11:30:24 PDT 2004

I don't understand this fully. Perhaps the experts can shed some light into this?

I have CUPS servers, Server_A and Server_B. Both servers have a printer queue, my_hp. ImplicitClasses and HideImplicitMembers are set to Off on both servers.

I have a client, Client_C, configured for Server_A as its default(primary) server. It is also configured to browse Server_A and Server_B.

Here's the issue:
>From the Client_C, when I send a print job, I'd expected it to use Server_A all the time. Well, such is not the case. Often times, I'd see print jobs being served by Sever_B. Why is that? I don't understand why the client would switch to Server_B when Server_A is quite available.

I look at the log on both servers and in no time when the client switched to Server_B was Server_A being used at all. Is this a random event?

Any suggestion or comments are appreciated.


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