Problem with renderer command

Kenneth Dalbjerg kenneth at
Sun Nov 21 05:53:39 PST 2004


I have i Debian Box, stable with HP Deskjet 5550, wired to the box with USB.

But when iam trying to print i get nothing out, my error_log:

It say:
  [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] renderer PID kid4=18010
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH 
-sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="deskjet 5550" 
-dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] JCL: <job data>
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] renderer 
return value: 255
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] renderer received signal: 255
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] tail process done writing data to STDOUT
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] KID4 finished
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] Closing 
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] KID4 exited with status 0
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] KID3 exited with status 1
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] Renderer exit stat: 1
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] Process dying with "The renderer command 
line returned an unrecognized error code 255.", exit stat: 1
D [21/Nov/2004:14:45:12 +0100] The renderer command line returned an 
unrecognized error code 255.

But what is there error in that command, and where should i change it?

Regards Kenneth Dalbjerg

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