[cups.general] Userid banner pages

pipitas k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Sun Oct 3 09:26:29 PDT 2004

John C. Welch wrote:

> How do you set up cups to force a banner page with the user ID for each
> print job?

   lpadmin -p printerwithbanner -v [device_URI] -E -P /path/to/ppd

Edit in /etc/cups/printers.conf this section:
<Printer printerwithbanner ->....</Printer>

Specifically, change the line "JobSheets none none" to now read

  "JobSheets none mybanner.txt" (for trailing banner) or
  "JobSheets mybanner.txt none" (for leadingbanner) or
  "JobSheets mybanner1.txt,mybanner2.txt" (for leading and trailing banners)
Then create simple text files mybanner*.txt which you put into

                 Job ID: {?job-id}
              Job Title: {?job-title}
               Job Name: {?job-name}
            Job Billing: {?job-billing}
              From User: {?job-originating-user-name}
          From Computer: {?job-originating-host-name}    ( = local)
           Job Priority: {?job-priority} out of 100
           Printer Name: {?printer-name}
            Printer URI: {?job-printer-uri}
          Creation Time: {?time-at-creation}
           Printer Name: {?printer-name}
       Printer Location: {?printer-location}
           Printer Info: {?printer-info}
        raw data of job: {?job-k-octets}

After a restart of cupsd, these banners will be used (and also be 
offered in the CUPS web interface when you install or modify printers

Alternatively, you can put snippets like "job-sheets=none,my-banner.txt"
into the "/etc/cups/lpoptions" or "$HOME/.lpoptions" files of users.

Hope this helped.


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