[cups.general] GPL GhostScript 8.15

pipitas k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Thu Oct 21 15:12:24 PDT 2004

mrdocs  mrdocs at gmail.com wrote:

>> I'll try and ask them if they can muster some man power too
>> to bring this about...
>> Cheers,
>> Kurt
> Yeah, we (Scribus Team) are refactoring for 1.3 and all have a very full
> plate,including moving to a different country ;) but off the top of my
> head,  a short list of things we can do:

Oh wonders of modern electronic communication and IRC!    ;-)

This was a very fast reaction and a very positive one! I am pleased see 
that you are very supportive of the effort and not just "demandive"  ;-)

Your suggestions are very good indeed, and I am sure that Till will
take you up on them.

Maybe we should start by writing a common mail to a few more individuals
we know (participants of the "printing" event Till organized in July
may be a good starting point), and then publish a little story on 
linuxtoday/lwn/newsforge asking for help and other support?


> 1) Solicit our mailing list for coders who might be interested, along with
> a couple of other relevant projects (Inkscape, GIMP to name two).
> 2) Certainly provide a group of testers who are not afraid of using a CVS
> version. (I've written a mostly complete version for installing 8.15
> parallel to distro shipped ESP GS)
> 3) I'll prod a couple of the distro maintainers who I have been personally
> nagging for the past few months. If they are aware of this effort, they
> can help with ensuring their own patch sets work.
> 4) Do a write up and push it to graphics oriented sites, not just English
> ones linuxgraphics.fr for example.
> I think if someone could get a basic 8.15 build started with the 8.11
> patch added, we could then push the various distros to start the work of
> merging their patch sets. I think it would help them a lot to have the
> autotools stuff intergrated.
> Just my 0.02, but as we have been the loudest complainers :), we should do
> what we can on our end.
> I am curious to hear others thoughts.
> Cheers,
> Peter

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