Problem with LogLevel and messages in error_log

Helge Blischke H.Blischke at
Thu Oct 14 07:47:34 PDT 2004

Laurent wrote:
> Greetings!
> I'm developping a specific filter for my working place
> (CUPS 1.1.21rc1, Dec Tru64).
> I'm having problems with the messages I'm writing to stderr
> for them to appear in the error_log file, and the tuning of LogLevel
> in the configuration file.
> I've checked that all these messages begin with one of the given prefixes
> like "DEBUG:", "ERROR:", "INFO:", etc.
> With LogLevel set to 'debug2', I can see all I'm writing in the logs,
> and the letter beginning each line (d, D, I, E, etc.) corresponds
> to the prefix I'm putting in my messages.
> Once I change LogLevel, I don't get all the messages I should
> according to the LogLevel policy.
> If I set it to 'debug', I get some of my debug messages, but not all
> of them, and no info or error messages.
> If I set it to 'info', I get nothing of my messages.
> It seems to work fine for CUPS original messages.
> Anybody gets any hint?
> --
> Laurent

Hmm, I digged around a while ...
Well, INFO messages get to the printer state message (shown in the web
interface or by the
lpstat command) unless the job status denotes some error condition. Try
the prefix
'NOTICE:' instead.


Helge Blischke
SRZ Berlin | Firmengruppe besscom
tel: +49 30 75301-360

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