[cups.general] cups-1.1.22rc1 - Pausing via samba unauthorized depending on order of SystemGroup conf

daniel.jarboe at custserv.com daniel.jarboe at custserv.com
Thu Oct 14 04:29:03 PDT 2004

I have two groups that need to manage print functions like pausing a
queue.  They are both listed in CUPS's SystemGroup and Samba's printer


LogLevel debug2
Port 631
ImplicitClasses Off
SystemGroup "TCS_MAIN_DOM\Domain Print Ops", TCS_MAIN_DOM\Helpdesk
<Location />
Order Deny,Allow
Allow From All
<Location /jobs>
<Location /admin>
AuthType Basic
AuthClass System

The SystemGroup ordering does not seem to matter when going in through
the cups web interface (either order works).  However, when pausing via
Samba, only members of the first SystemGroup listed are authorized.
Others get client-error-not-authorized (according to

Again, the only thing that changes between it working and not working
for one group or the other is the order of the CUPS SystemGroup conf.
Is this a local configuration problem or a known issue or something

This is a Samba 3.0.7 which builds a request with ippNew and ultimately
calls cupsDoRequest.

Thanks for any info,
~ Daniel

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